Top Communism Quotes

  • Communism is the friend of the ideologue, and the enemy of mankind. – S Thomas Kaza

    Communism is the friend of the ideologue, and the enemy of mankind.– S Thomas Kaza

  • Democratic Socialism devolves into totalitarian Socialism and eventually into full on Communism as people resist statism. – AE Samaan

    Democratic Socialism devolves into totalitarian Socialism and eventually into full on Communism as people resist statism.– AE Samaan

  • It is no wonder that Satan hates the family and has hurled his venom against it in the form of Communism. – William R  Bowen

    It is no wonder that Satan hates the family and has hurled his venom against it in the form of Communism.– William R Bowen

  • [I]n communism, you’d threaten a dog into compliance, while in capitalism, obedience is obtained through bribes. – Adam Johnson

    [I]n communism, you’d threaten a dog into compliance, while in capitalism, obedience is obtained through bribes.– Adam Johnson

  • Communism is what happens when Socialists realize that they want complete control over every aspect of human life. – AE Samaan

    Communism is what happens when Socialists realize that they want complete control over every aspect of human life.– AE Samaan

  • The theory of Communism may be summed up in one sentence: Abolish all private liberty. – AE Samaan

    The theory of Communism may be summed up in one sentence: Abolish all private liberty.– AE Samaan

  • Socialism, or communism as it is sometimes called, is merely a secular religion, where the State becomes a god. – Stefan Molyneux

    Socialism, or communism as it is sometimes called, is merely a secular religion, where the State becomes a god.– Stefan Molyneux

  • From being a movement aiming for universal freedom, communism turned into a system of universal despotism. That is the logic of utopia. – John N Gray

    From being a movement aiming for universal freedom, communism turned into a system of universal despotism. That is the logic of utopia.– John N Gray

  • Communism will kill you quicker than a maraschino cherry ever will. – Stephan Eirik Clark

    Communism will kill you quicker than a maraschino cherry ever will.– Stephan Eirik Clark

  • The fall of communism had more to do with prayer meetings in Poland than bombs dropped on Cambodia. War is, among other things, impatience. – Brian Zahnd

    The fall of communism had more to do with prayer meetings in Poland than bombs dropped on Cambodia. War is, among other things, impatience.– Brian Zahnd