Top Companionship Quotes

  • Night was come, and her planets were risen: a safe, still night: too serene for the companionship of fear. – Charlotte Bront

    Night was come, and her planets were risen: a safe, still night: too serene for the companionship of fear.– Charlotte Bront

  • There’s something comforting about the companionship of animals in a new place. – Patrick Carman

    There’s something comforting about the companionship of animals in a new place.– Patrick Carman

  • I choose to be alone cause I wanted to experience freedom, but I realized that freedom needs a companionship – Ahmed Alibage

    I choose to be alone cause I wanted to experience freedom, but I realized that freedom needs a companionship– Ahmed Alibage

  • Our love would be solace, companionship, and the mending of wounds. – Amy Tan

    Our love would be solace, companionship, and the mending of wounds.– Amy Tan

  • It has nothing to do with who I am as compared to everyone else. It has everything to do with who I am in companionship with God. – Craig D Lounsbrough

    It has nothing to do with who I am as compared to everyone else. It has everything to do with who I am in companionship with God.– Craig D Lounsbrough

  • …companionship refused is worse than loneliness. – Mark Haddon

    …companionship refused is worse than loneliness.– Mark Haddon

  • She’s clearly gone too long without male companionship if any brute who walked her way made her sit up and take notice. – Cari Quinn

    She’s clearly gone too long without male companionship if any brute who walked her way made her sit up and take notice.– Cari Quinn

  • I think loneliness is much better than companionship of a selfish. – Tanmaya Guru

    I think loneliness is much better than companionship of a selfish.– Tanmaya Guru

  • Even though men and women are different in our thinking, we all share the need and desire for compassion, compliments, and companionship. – Germany Kent

    Even though men and women are different in our thinking, we all share the need and desire for compassion, compliments, and companionship.– Germany Kent

  • Look for Me. Long for Me. Experience unbroken companionship with Me. – Lysa TerKeurst

    Look for Me. Long for Me. Experience unbroken companionship with Me.– Lysa TerKeurst