Top Compared Quotes

  • Indeed, organizing atheists has been compared to herding cats, because they tend to think independently and will not conform to authority. – Richard Dawkins

    Indeed, organizing atheists has been compared to herding cats, because they tend to think independently and will not conform to authority.– Richard Dawkins

  • The love of one cat simply can’t be compared with the love of another.. – Will Advise

    The love of one cat simply can’t be compared with the love of another..– Will Advise

  • I’m glad I’m not good compared to God, because if I was, He wouldn’t be much of a god. – RM ArceJaeger

    I’m glad I’m not good compared to God, because if I was, He wouldn’t be much of a god.– RM ArceJaeger

  • The treachery of demons is nothing compared to the betrayal of an angel. – Brenna Yovanoff

    The treachery of demons is nothing compared to the betrayal of an angel.– Brenna Yovanoff

  • Social networks are so full of wasted time – they could be compared to a waste disposal system. Flush, before you go and waste no time to go. – Will Advise

    Social networks are so full of wasted time – they could be compared to a waste disposal system. Flush, before you go and waste no time to go.– Will Advise

  • I satirize at all times, and my hyperboles are as nothing compared to the events to which they refer. – Marshall McLuhan

    I satirize at all times, and my hyperboles are as nothing compared to the events to which they refer.– Marshall McLuhan

  • EQUAL RIGHTS and FREE DISCUSSION will be fearlessly advocated and maintained. Sectarian dogmas or tenets will be investigated and compared. – Abner Cole

    EQUAL RIGHTS and FREE DISCUSSION will be fearlessly advocated and maintained. Sectarian dogmas or tenets will be investigated and compared.– Abner Cole

  • Women have their own braveries, their own mighty courageousness that is of woman, and not to be compared with the courage shown by man. – Richard Llewellyn

    Women have their own braveries, their own mighty courageousness that is of woman, and not to be compared with the courage shown by man.– Richard Llewellyn

  • Immortal beings have been compared to stars, these are existences that linger on long after the death of the thing itself. – Zeena Schreck

    Immortal beings have been compared to stars, these are existences that linger on long after the death of the thing itself.– Zeena Schreck

  • What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us – Henry Stanley Haskins

    What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us– Henry Stanley Haskins