Top Complexity Quotes

  • In business, complexity both drives innovation and hinders it. – Pearl Zhu

    In business, complexity both drives innovation and hinders it.– Pearl Zhu

  • Progress is in simplification, which often follows complexity. – Pearl Zhu

    Progress is in simplification, which often follows complexity.– Pearl Zhu

  • Complexity is not an aesthetic criterion. It is a quality associated only with division and organization of labor. – Christopher Caudwell

    Complexity is not an aesthetic criterion. It is a quality associated only with division and organization of labor.– Christopher Caudwell

  • Life has its beauty in its simplicity. Ugliness raises her head with complexity. – Debasish Mridha

    Life has its beauty in its simplicity. Ugliness raises her head with complexity.– Debasish Mridha

  • In an age of complexity, it is not easy to live a simple life or to practice simplicity. – Debasish Mridha

    In an age of complexity, it is not easy to live a simple life or to practice simplicity.– Debasish Mridha

  • Face the complexity involved in making ethical choices. – Linda Fisher Thornton

    Face the complexity involved in making ethical choices.– Linda Fisher Thornton

  • The depth of any story is proportionate to the protagonist’s commitment to their goal, the complexity of the problem, and the grace of the solution. – Steve House

    The depth of any story is proportionate to the protagonist’s commitment to their goal, the complexity of the problem, and the grace of the solution.– Steve House

  • The simplicity of existence is that it is. The complexity of existence is that it is not. – Rn Gaudette

    The simplicity of existence is that it is. The complexity of existence is that it is not.– Rn Gaudette

  • Now, what’s stirring in this murky sea of complexity and foolishness is an almost suffocating need to breathe fresh history. – Laurie Perez

    Now, what’s stirring in this murky sea of complexity and foolishness is an almost suffocating need to breathe fresh history.– Laurie Perez

  • The character of God is an unchanging Northstar five which to find our way through a world of moral complexity. – Kirby Anderson

    The character of God is an unchanging Northstar five which to find our way through a world of moral complexity.– Kirby Anderson