Top Concentrated Quotes

  • Love is curiosity sometimes. Concentrated wondering about the other one. – Kij Johnson

    Love is curiosity sometimes. Concentrated wondering about the other one.– Kij Johnson

  • Concentrated power has always been the enemy of liberty – Ronald Reagan

    Concentrated power has always been the enemy of liberty– Ronald Reagan

  • It is always so, when we are unhappy we feel more strongly the unhappiness of others; our feeling is not shattered, but becomes concentrated… – Fyodor Dostoyevsky

    It is always so, when we are unhappy we feel more strongly the unhappiness of others; our feeling is not shattered, but becomes concentrated…– Fyodor Dostoyevsky

  • When you love something, you seek to learn its primitive form and also its concentrated form. – Unarine Ramaru

    When you love something, you seek to learn its primitive form and also its concentrated form.– Unarine Ramaru

  • I have now concentrated all my prayers into one, and that one prayer is this, that I may die to self, and live wholly to Him. – Charles Haddon Spurgeon

    I have now concentrated all my prayers into one, and that one prayer is this, that I may die to self, and live wholly to Him.– Charles Haddon Spurgeon

  • A concentrated mind and a sitting body make for better prayer than a kneeling body and a mind half asleep. – CS Lewis

    A concentrated mind and a sitting body make for better prayer than a kneeling body and a mind half asleep.– CS Lewis

  • My life felt so cluttered and obstructed that I could hardly breathe. I inhabited a closed, concentrated world, airless and without exits. – Nell Casey

    My life felt so cluttered and obstructed that I could hardly breathe. I inhabited a closed, concentrated world, airless and without exits.– Nell Casey

  • Instead of fumbling with hot beakers andBunsen burners, I concentrated on the leisurely pursuit of fondling. – Fidelis O Mkparu

    Instead of fumbling with hot beakers andBunsen burners, I concentrated on the leisurely pursuit of fondling.– Fidelis O Mkparu

  • How can it be, after all this concentrated effort and separation, how can it be that I still resemble, so very closely, my own detestable mother? – Gabrielle Hamilton

    How can it be, after all this concentrated effort and separation, how can it be that I still resemble, so very closely, my own detestable mother?– Gabrielle Hamilton

  • What is art if not a concentrated and impassioned effort to make something with the little we have, the little we see? – Andre Dubus

    What is art if not a concentrated and impassioned effort to make something with the little we have, the little we see?– Andre Dubus