Top Correct Quotes

  • You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist. – Friedrich Nietzsche

    You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.– Friedrich Nietzsche

  • As you raise your personal chi level, the rising tide of high energy may correct underlying deficiencies. – Catherine Carrigan

    As you raise your personal chi level, the rising tide of high energy may correct underlying deficiencies.– Catherine Carrigan

  • I’m jealous -“ not of their money to spend, but jealous that, for them, going home is a simple matter of turning down the correct lane. – Amber Dawn

    I’m jealous -“ not of their money to spend, but jealous that, for them, going home is a simple matter of turning down the correct lane.– Amber Dawn

  • The theory of Economics must begin with a correct theory of consumption. – William Stanley Jevons

    The theory of Economics must begin with a correct theory of consumption.– William Stanley Jevons

  • Seeking God first will always put us in the correct position and aim us in the right direction to move into the future God has for us. – Stormie Omartian

    Seeking God first will always put us in the correct position and aim us in the right direction to move into the future God has for us.– Stormie Omartian

  • One way or another way it will happen…, until then make the correct choice. You don’t want to go into the wrong path! – Deyth Banger

    One way or another way it will happen…, until then make the correct choice. You don’t want to go into the wrong path!– Deyth Banger

  • Never apologize for correct actions. – RJ  Lawrence

    Never apologize for correct actions.– RJ Lawrence

  • Sometimes we may trying to correct a mistake by another mistake so that we should be wise – Maryam Rahmouni

    Sometimes we may trying to correct a mistake by another mistake so that we should be wise– Maryam Rahmouni

  • Life discoveries are lead by an acceptance of mistakes and efforts to correct them. – Auliq Ice

    Life discoveries are lead by an acceptance of mistakes and efforts to correct them.– Auliq Ice

  • The first reaction is surely the most natural one, but not always the most correct one; thereupon, the invention of apologies. – Criss Jami

    The first reaction is surely the most natural one, but not always the most correct one; thereupon, the invention of apologies.– Criss Jami