Top Counts Quotes

  • It’s inspiration that counts, not the drill. – Hugo Ball

    It’s inspiration that counts, not the drill.– Hugo Ball

  • Secrets are the kind of adventure she needs. Secrets are safe, and they do much to make you different. On the inside where it counts. – EL Konigsburg

    Secrets are the kind of adventure she needs. Secrets are safe, and they do much to make you different. On the inside where it counts.– EL Konigsburg

  • Emotion is what counts: it is more valuable than anything. – Samael Aun Weor

    Emotion is what counts: it is more valuable than anything.– Samael Aun Weor

  • In the make-up of human beings, intelligence counts for more than our hands, and that is our true strength. – Ovid

    In the make-up of human beings, intelligence counts for more than our hands, and that is our true strength.– Ovid

  • Ideas are sphincters. Every ??????? has one. Your take is what counts. – Jess Walter

    Ideas are sphincters. Every ??????? has one. Your take is what counts.– Jess Walter

  • It’s not the content, but the form of thought that counts. – Orhan Pamuk

    It’s not the content, but the form of thought that counts.– Orhan Pamuk

  • Don’t care about gods. Gods are irrelevant. What counts is people. What counts is having respect for each other. – Matthew Woodring Stover

    Don’t care about gods. Gods are irrelevant. What counts is people. What counts is having respect for each other.– Matthew Woodring Stover

  • Its the journey that counts, not the arrival. – Diane Keaton

    Its the journey that counts, not the arrival.– Diane Keaton

  • The only thing you can take with you when you die is what you are. Character counts more than possessions. – Orrin Woodward

    The only thing you can take with you when you die is what you are. Character counts more than possessions.– Orrin Woodward

  • Don’t despise your contributions to Humanity. Every little kind deed counts. – Lailah Gifty Akita

    Don’t despise your contributions to Humanity. Every little kind deed counts.– Lailah Gifty Akita