Top Criticized Quotes

  • Only fools imply compliments. The wise man comes right out with it, point-blank. Imply criticism–unless the criticized isn’t within earshot. – William Faulkner

    Only fools imply compliments. The wise man comes right out with it, point-blank. Imply criticism–unless the criticized isn’t within earshot.– William Faulkner

  • Any writer who puts his words and thoughts out into the public is going to be criticized. – Thomas   Moore

    Any writer who puts his words and thoughts out into the public is going to be criticized.– Thomas Moore

  • Those who are critical don’t like being criticized, and those who are insensitive have a deficiency in their senses. – Suzy Kassem

    Those who are critical don’t like being criticized, and those who are insensitive have a deficiency in their senses.– Suzy Kassem

  • I measure my friends not by being there with me when everything is going well, but embracing me when I’m criticized and when I endure tough times. – Terraine Francois

    I measure my friends not by being there with me when everything is going well, but embracing me when I’m criticized and when I endure tough times.– Terraine Francois

  • You can’t be criticized for what you don’t try. You can’t lose your balance if you never climb. Give it, Give it all, Give it NOW. – Milan Jed

    You can’t be criticized for what you don’t try. You can’t lose your balance if you never climb. Give it, Give it all, Give it NOW.– Milan Jed

  • Jesus never criticized prayers that were honest, only those that were long and showy. – Craig Groeschel

    Jesus never criticized prayers that were honest, only those that were long and showy.– Craig Groeschel