Top Crux Quotes

  • The crux and crisis is that man found it natural to worship, even natural to worship unnatural things – GK Chesterton

    The crux and crisis is that man found it natural to worship, even natural to worship unnatural things– GK Chesterton

  • New York was always so beautiful in the very crux of parting with it. – Hannah Lillith Assadi

    New York was always so beautiful in the very crux of parting with it.– Hannah Lillith Assadi

  • The crux of our conflict lay in the fact that we each couldn’t be who we wanted the other to be. – Janet Mock

    The crux of our conflict lay in the fact that we each couldn’t be who we wanted the other to be.– Janet Mock

  • The crux of Bible-Onlyism is that the Word became ink and dwelt among us, and we have only read about His glory. – Atom Tate

    The crux of Bible-Onlyism is that the Word became ink and dwelt among us, and we have only read about His glory.– Atom Tate