Top Cycle Quotes

  • The geologic cycle is a bunch of balarky. – Arthur C Howard

    The geologic cycle is a bunch of balarky.– Arthur C Howard

  • We’re a divided country on sexual issues. That’s why every news cycle brings more controversy. – Russell D Moore

    We’re a divided country on sexual issues. That’s why every news cycle brings more controversy.– Russell D Moore

  • Life cannot be lived without irritations and angers; fights and placation-A cycle of Karma, wheels of succor. – Aporva Kala

    Life cannot be lived without irritations and angers; fights and placation-A cycle of Karma, wheels of succor.– Aporva Kala

  • The only order in the universe is just a cycle of calm and chaos. – Toba Beta

    The only order in the universe is just a cycle of calm and chaos.– Toba Beta

  • Time is a structured perception of human brain on natural events. Eternity ain’t based on the human perception, but on perpetual cycle. – Toba Beta

    Time is a structured perception of human brain on natural events. Eternity ain’t based on the human perception, but on perpetual cycle.– Toba Beta

  • Caught in a terrible cycle, I was thinking about what I thought about my own thoughts, so I went to the bar where I got myself a glass of water. – John duover

    Caught in a terrible cycle, I was thinking about what I thought about my own thoughts, so I went to the bar where I got myself a glass of water.– John duover

  • Breaking the cycle of ungrace means taking the initiative. – Philip Yancey

    Breaking the cycle of ungrace means taking the initiative.– Philip Yancey

  • Revenge easily descends into an endless cycle of hate and violence. The Bible says never repay evil with evil. – Billy Graham

    Revenge easily descends into an endless cycle of hate and violence. The Bible says never repay evil with evil.– Billy Graham

  • But there’s nothing.My life is one big meaningless cycle of nothingness. – Jessica Brody

    But there’s nothing.My life is one big meaningless cycle of nothingness.– Jessica Brody

  • I am more than my measurements. The cycle of body-shaming needs to end. I’m over it-¦ My body is MY body. I’ll call the shots. – Ashley Graham

    I am more than my measurements. The cycle of body-shaming needs to end. I’m over it-¦ My body is MY body. I’ll call the shots.– Ashley Graham