Top Dagger Quotes

  • As I lifted the ash dagger, something inside me fractured so completely that there would be no hope of ever repairing it. – Sarah J Maas

    As I lifted the ash dagger, something inside me fractured so completely that there would be no hope of ever repairing it.– Sarah J Maas

  • A dagger wants flesh, her father would say. Find it. – Marie Rutkoski

    A dagger wants flesh, her father would say. Find it.– Marie Rutkoski

  • A dagger wants flesh, her father would say. Find it.– Marie Rutkoski

  • Very slowly using two fingers, Annabeth drew her dagger. Instead of dropping it, she tossed it as far as she could into the w – Rick Riordan

    Very slowly using two fingers, Annabeth drew her dagger. Instead of dropping it, she tossed it as far as she could into the w– Rick Riordan

  • If one wants to be loved and return it full score dagger of silence closes the door. – David W Earle

    If one wants to be loved and return it full score dagger of silence closes the door.– David W Earle

  • He had seen bigger men than he with mummy’s handkerchief clutched in on hand and a bloody dagger in the other. – Eoin Colfer

    He had seen bigger men than he with mummy’s handkerchief clutched in on hand and a bloody dagger in the other.– Eoin Colfer

  • Familiarity is the dagger thrust into the heart of fear. – Todd Stocker

    Familiarity is the dagger thrust into the heart of fear.– Todd Stocker

  • Remember, Shaw, that the power of the dagger lies not only in the visual, but also the symbolic. – Carla Trueheart

    Remember, Shaw, that the power of the dagger lies not only in the visual, but also the symbolic.– Carla Trueheart

  • She looked at him and felt a dagger pierce her heart, then she felt a warm chocolate feeling swallow her senses. – Isabelle Hardesty

    She looked at him and felt a dagger pierce her heart, then she felt a warm chocolate feeling swallow her senses.– Isabelle Hardesty

  • You have the face of a man who gently caresses field flowers and dandelions. And a smile that is like a dagger, cutting the sun in halves. – Malak El Halabi

    You have the face of a man who gently caresses field flowers and dandelions. And a smile that is like a dagger, cutting the sun in halves.– Malak El Halabi