Top Dance Quotes

  • Each relationship is an elaborate and complex dance of energetic exchange. – Amy Leigh Mercree

    Each relationship is an elaborate and complex dance of energetic exchange.– Amy Leigh Mercree

  • Embrace death, dance with it a while, and finally fall prey to it. – Darren Shan

    Embrace death, dance with it a while, and finally fall prey to it.– Darren Shan

  • The great sexual energy that one has on abstinence can be transformed into art, poetry, dance, and inventions. – Girdhar Joshi

    The great sexual energy that one has on abstinence can be transformed into art, poetry, dance, and inventions.– Girdhar Joshi

  • Let there be spaces in your togetherness.And let the wind of the heavens dance between you. – Kahlil Gibran

    Let there be spaces in your togetherness.And let the wind of the heavens dance between you.– Kahlil Gibran

  • I recommend writing standing up from time to time. It’s easier to dance when you finish writing. – Diego Ramos

    I recommend writing standing up from time to time. It’s easier to dance when you finish writing.– Diego Ramos

  • The desperation was coming off you in waves. You were all but begging to dance with me. I am doing you a favor. – Amanda Hocking

    The desperation was coming off you in waves. You were all but begging to dance with me. I am doing you a favor.– Amanda Hocking

  • I’ve discovered the secret of revenge. Outlive the f—ers! I’ll dance on their graves. – Michael Robotham

    I’ve discovered the secret of revenge. Outlive the f—ers! I’ll dance on their graves.– Michael Robotham

  • The real dance is a spontaneous body movement that in harmony with the beats of the music in your heart. – Toba Beta

    The real dance is a spontaneous body movement that in harmony with the beats of the music in your heart.– Toba Beta

  • Life is about showing up, so is writing. That’s why I sit at my desk every day and dance my fingers across the keyboard – Laurie Buchanan

    Life is about showing up, so is writing. That’s why I sit at my desk every day and dance my fingers across the keyboard– Laurie Buchanan

  • No man returns from Satan’s fire read to dance a reel. – Amy Jarecki

    No man returns from Satan’s fire read to dance a reel.– Amy Jarecki