Top Danger Quotes

  • A true believer is a danger to humanity. – Al Jaffee

    A true believer is a danger to humanity.– Al Jaffee

  • about: Don’t post anonymously unless you really might be in danger. – Jaron Lanier

    about: Don’t post anonymously unless you really might be in danger.– Jaron Lanier

  • mass indoctrination of uneducated young men with such ideas is in itself a lethal danger to society and to international order. – Christopher Hitchens

    mass indoctrination of uneducated young men with such ideas is in itself a lethal danger to society and to international order.– Christopher Hitchens

  • Quickly, Ian learned the danger of holding her. Once he allowed his arm around her, letting her go was nearly impossible. – Dana Marton

    Quickly, Ian learned the danger of holding her. Once he allowed his arm around her, letting her go was nearly impossible.– Dana Marton

  • I don’t know whether to be proud or appalled that danger, blood and death inspire you so. – Samantha Young

    I don’t know whether to be proud or appalled that danger, blood and death inspire you so.– Samantha Young

  • Danger is the snack food of a true sleuth. – Mac Barnett

    Danger is the snack food of a true sleuth.– Mac Barnett

  • Danger is hidden everywhere! You can’t always be physically ready for it, but you can always be ready mentally! – Mehmet Murat ildan

    Danger is hidden everywhere! You can’t always be physically ready for it, but you can always be ready mentally!– Mehmet Murat ildan

  • Courage is the antidote to danger. – Erle Stanley Gardner

    Courage is the antidote to danger.– Erle Stanley Gardner

  • Danger, like a third man, was standing in the room. – Ian Fleming

    Danger, like a third man, was standing in the room.– Ian Fleming

  • Any woman who dares to make her own destiny will always put herself in danger. – Philippa Gregory

    Any woman who dares to make her own destiny will always put herself in danger.– Philippa Gregory