Top Dean Quotes

  • It’s better, really, to go out in a blaze. That’s why we love Marilyn, and James Dean. We love the ones who walk right into the fire. – Michael Cunningham

    It’s better, really, to go out in a blaze. That’s why we love Marilyn, and James Dean. We love the ones who walk right into the fire.– Michael Cunningham

  • Dean, you’ve been to Hell, I started the Apocalypse, and we’re supposed to be possessed by an archangel and the devil. Now you’re being skeptical? – Keith RA DeCandido

    Dean, you’ve been to Hell, I started the Apocalypse, and we’re supposed to be possessed by an archangel and the devil. Now you’re being skeptical?– Keith RA DeCandido

  • Dean Koontz is good in the silence makes silence… then he just attacks!- WOW – Deyth Banger

    Dean Koontz is good in the silence makes silence… then he just attacks!- WOW– Deyth Banger

  • You can give me detention. Oh, wait, that’s right…you aren’t the boss of me. So I guess you can just bite me. -Dean – Jeff Mariotte

    You can give me detention. Oh, wait, that’s right…you aren’t the boss of me. So I guess you can just bite me. -Dean– Jeff Mariotte

  • Dean: If there is a greater power, why is it he can’t get you a new sweater?Jamie: Because, he’s too busy looking for your brain. – Nicholas Sparks

    Dean: If there is a greater power, why is it he can’t get you a new sweater?Jamie: Because, he’s too busy looking for your brain.– Nicholas Sparks

  • Crows don’t take from you,- Dean said. -œThey give your soul wings. – Caitlin Kittredge

    Crows don’t take from you,- Dean said. -œThey give your soul wings.– Caitlin Kittredge