Top Decent Quotes

  • Many a good story has been found in the bottom of a decent Rioja. – Ken Scott

    Many a good story has been found in the bottom of a decent Rioja.– Ken Scott

  • Writing is hard work. Attempting to write a decent story is friggin exhausting! – Veronica Purcell

    Writing is hard work. Attempting to write a decent story is friggin exhausting!– Veronica Purcell

  • You’re worse than decent. You’re virtuous. – Eugene ONeill

    You’re worse than decent. You’re virtuous.– Eugene ONeill

  • You’re worse than decent. You’re virtuous.– Eugene ONeill

  • I know writers like to think of themselves as bohemians,’ he said, ‘but that doesn’t mean they can’t behave like decent human beings. – Gert Loveday

    I know writers like to think of themselves as bohemians,’ he said, ‘but that doesn’t mean they can’t behave like decent human beings.– Gert Loveday

  • Sarcasm is wasted on those who haven’t had a decent night’s sleep, my darling. – Tracy Guzeman

    Sarcasm is wasted on those who haven’t had a decent night’s sleep, my darling.– Tracy Guzeman

  • And the wind shall say: ‘Here were decent Godless people:Their only monument the asphalt roadAnd a thousand lost golf balls. – TS Eliot

    And the wind shall say: ‘Here were decent Godless people:Their only monument the asphalt roadAnd a thousand lost golf balls.– TS Eliot

  • It is in your own power to maintain the beauty of your soul, or to be a decent human being. – Marcus Aurelius

    It is in your own power to maintain the beauty of your soul, or to be a decent human being.– Marcus Aurelius

  • Aw, Poke, you poor, kind, decent, stupid girl. You saved me and I let you down. – Orson Scott Card

    Aw, Poke, you poor, kind, decent, stupid girl. You saved me and I let you down.– Orson Scott Card

  • A market economy is to economics what democracy is to government: a decent, if flawed, choice among many bad alternatives. – Charles Wheelan

    A market economy is to economics what democracy is to government: a decent, if flawed, choice among many bad alternatives.– Charles Wheelan