Top Design Quotes

  • If you like Girl with Dragon Tattoo and Vampires, this is for you! (Kathi Humphries (Design) on ‘ORPHANS – Time is running out’ by Ian Dewar) – Kathi Humphries

    If you like Girl with Dragon Tattoo and Vampires, this is for you! (Kathi Humphries (Design) on ‘ORPHANS – Time is running out’ by Ian Dewar)– Kathi Humphries

  • The very design of neoliberal principles is a direct attack on democracy. – Noam Chomsky

    The very design of neoliberal principles is a direct attack on democracy.– Noam Chomsky

  • Everything God does has purpose and intention behind that design. It is a master design, and every little thing has its proper place and function. – AW Tozer

    Everything God does has purpose and intention behind that design. It is a master design, and every little thing has its proper place and function.– AW Tozer

  • Often we don’t see the majesty of God’s design because we’re caught up in the mediocrity of our own designs. – Craig D Lounsbrough

    Often we don’t see the majesty of God’s design because we’re caught up in the mediocrity of our own designs.– Craig D Lounsbrough

  • Broken heart is flute.i blow into the flute & design walking portrait with empty pen – basant nayak

    Broken heart is flute.i blow into the flute & design walking portrait with empty pen– basant nayak

  • A first-rate story is easily killed by second-rate design. – Mokokoma Mokhonoana

    A first-rate story is easily killed by second-rate design.– Mokokoma Mokhonoana

  • Just as you can’t rehearse your way to success, you can’t design your way there either. – Dale Ludwig

    Just as you can’t rehearse your way to success, you can’t design your way there either.– Dale Ludwig

  • A design can excel at one challenge only by compromising at others. – Steven Pinker

    A design can excel at one challenge only by compromising at others.– Steven Pinker

  • You were born to journey in the direction of your purpose. Anything that halts your progress is contrary to your design. – Steve Maraboli

    You were born to journey in the direction of your purpose. Anything that halts your progress is contrary to your design.– Steve Maraboli

  • God has the most incredible, unimaginable, inconceivable, and indescribable intention and design for your life. – Pedro Okoro

    God has the most incredible, unimaginable, inconceivable, and indescribable intention and design for your life.– Pedro Okoro