Top Desires Quotes

  • Change is the most beneficial power available to you, simply change the things you don’t like, replacing them with your true desires. – Steven Redhead

    Change is the most beneficial power available to you, simply change the things you don’t like, replacing them with your true desires.– Steven Redhead

  • To fight against one’s desires is the greatest of all fights. – Hazrat Ali RA

    To fight against one’s desires is the greatest of all fights.– Hazrat Ali RA

  • If it weren’t for the unconventionality of my desires, my mind might never have been forced to reckon with my body. – Alison Bechdel

    If it weren’t for the unconventionality of my desires, my mind might never have been forced to reckon with my body.– Alison Bechdel

  • Your feelings are the utmost priority, your desires are more important than anyone else’s deadline or mandate. – Regena Thomashauer

    Your feelings are the utmost priority, your desires are more important than anyone else’s deadline or mandate.– Regena Thomashauer

  • Challenges come our way when we least expect them; our insecurities, desires, balance, & conscience are tested in the process. – April Mae Monterrosa

    Challenges come our way when we least expect them; our insecurities, desires, balance, & conscience are tested in the process.– April Mae Monterrosa

  • Letting go of your desires will allow them to come to you much quicker – Steven Aitchison

    Letting go of your desires will allow them to come to you much quicker– Steven Aitchison

  • Your wishes and desires make clear who you are. – MF Moonzajer

    Your wishes and desires make clear who you are.– MF Moonzajer

  • ??????s are so much stronger when tempered in the flames of darkened desires and cooled in the waters of emotions. – Hdon

    ??????s are so much stronger when tempered in the flames of darkened desires and cooled in the waters of emotions.– Hdon

  • It is curious how little interested we are in the sexual desires of those who do not attract us. – Gore Vidal

    It is curious how little interested we are in the sexual desires of those who do not attract us.– Gore Vidal

  • You are the evil scientist of your desires. – Ignacio Rivera – Tristan Taormino

    You are the evil scientist of your desires. – Ignacio Rivera– Tristan Taormino