Top Detention Quotes

  • Guantánamo Bay’s motto: ‘Safe, humane, legal, transparent detention.’ Four adjectives describing one sick joke. – Rodney Ulyate

    Guantánamo Bay’s motto: ‘Safe, humane, legal, transparent detention.’ Four adjectives describing one sick joke.– Rodney Ulyate

  • You can give me detention. Oh, wait, that’s right…you aren’t the boss of me. So I guess you can just bite me. -Dean – Jeff Mariotte

    You can give me detention. Oh, wait, that’s right…you aren’t the boss of me. So I guess you can just bite me. -Dean– Jeff Mariotte

  • I’d sold my soul to get out of detention. – Jennifer Lynn Barnes

    I’d sold my soul to get out of detention.– Jennifer Lynn Barnes