Top Deteriorated Quotes

  • Much religious teaching in the world is in reality a confused or deteriorated form, very different from its roots. – Idries Shah

    Much religious teaching in the world is in reality a confused or deteriorated form, very different from its roots.– Idries Shah

  • Deteriorated science is a cult, so is imitative or deteriorated Sufism. – Idries Shah

    Deteriorated science is a cult, so is imitative or deteriorated Sufism.– Idries Shah

  • Mitch’s take on humanity had deteriorated to the point where he assumed someone was lying if her lips were moving. – Jennifer Crusie

    Mitch’s take on humanity had deteriorated to the point where he assumed someone was lying if her lips were moving.– Jennifer Crusie

  • Friend: A potential enemy with whom relations have not yet deteriorated to all-out war – Bangambiki Habyarimana

    Friend: A potential enemy with whom relations have not yet deteriorated to all-out war– Bangambiki Habyarimana