Top Differentiates Quotes

  • Vision differentiates between a follower and a leader. – Debasish Mridha

    Vision differentiates between a follower and a leader.– Debasish Mridha

  • The fact differentiates the fake. – Lailah Gifty Akita

    The fact differentiates the fake.– Lailah Gifty Akita

  • The Bible differentiates clearly between true faith and mere religiosity. – Billy Graham

    The Bible differentiates clearly between true faith and mere religiosity.– Billy Graham

  • What differentiates victors and victims are visions and vigor. Victims won’t get the vim to step out of their situations. – Israelmore Ayivor

    What differentiates victors and victims are visions and vigor. Victims won’t get the vim to step out of their situations.– Israelmore Ayivor

  • A victorious mentality is what differentiates us from the people of the world – Sunday Adelaja

    A victorious mentality is what differentiates us from the people of the world– Sunday Adelaja

  • What differentiates brother most from brother and beast is neither purpose, perspective nor prowess. It is simply intent. – Gavin Mills

    What differentiates brother most from brother and beast is neither purpose, perspective nor prowess. It is simply intent.– Gavin Mills