Top Disciples Quotes

  • Pray not only for your disciples but for all who believes in you – Sunday Adelaja

    Pray not only for your disciples but for all who believes in you– Sunday Adelaja

  • Christ never told his disciples that they would get an Academy Award for their performances, but He did tell them to expect to have troubles. – Billy Graham

    Christ never told his disciples that they would get an Academy Award for their performances, but He did tell them to expect to have troubles.– Billy Graham

  • Jesus said his disciples would be known for their love, not for their placards of protest and angry letters to the editor. – Brian Zahnd

    Jesus said his disciples would be known for their love, not for their placards of protest and angry letters to the editor.– Brian Zahnd

  • In Luke’s Gospel, Jesus is never unkind to the weak. He treats Martha with humiliating honesty, just as he would treat the male disciples. – Kate  Cooper

    In Luke’s Gospel, Jesus is never unkind to the weak. He treats Martha with humiliating honesty, just as he would treat the male disciples.– Kate Cooper

  • We are all disciples of the light. – Steven Magee

    We are all disciples of the light.– Steven Magee

  • I abhor the supreme folly of those who blame the disciples of nature in defiance of those masters who were themselves her pupils – Leonardo da Vinci

    I abhor the supreme folly of those who blame the disciples of nature in defiance of those masters who were themselves her pupils– Leonardo da Vinci

  • Jesus promised his disciples three things-”that they would be completely fearless, absurdly happy, and in constant trouble. – William Barclay

    Jesus promised his disciples three things-”that they would be completely fearless, absurdly happy, and in constant trouble.– William Barclay

  • You should train disciples and followers to work and perform better than you did – Sunday Adelaja

    You should train disciples and followers to work and perform better than you did– Sunday Adelaja