Top Distinguishes Quotes

  • The first thing that distinguishes a writer is that he is most alive when alone. – Martin Amis

    The first thing that distinguishes a writer is that he is most alive when alone.– Martin Amis

  • The ability to stay calm and focused in the midst of change is what distinguishes great leaders from those just collecting a paycheck. – Todd Stocker

    The ability to stay calm and focused in the midst of change is what distinguishes great leaders from those just collecting a paycheck.– Todd Stocker

  • It is not the absence of sin but the grieving over it which distinguishes the child of God from empty professors – Arthur W Pink

    It is not the absence of sin but the grieving over it which distinguishes the child of God from empty professors– Arthur W Pink

  • The only quality that distinguishes the greats from the masses, is the unwillingness to give up. – Abhijit Naskar

    The only quality that distinguishes the greats from the masses, is the unwillingness to give up.– Abhijit Naskar

  • Nothing distinguishes memories from ordinary moments. Only later do they make themselves known, from their scars. – Chris Marker – Zeina Abirached

    Nothing distinguishes memories from ordinary moments. Only later do they make themselves known, from their scars. – Chris Marker– Zeina Abirached

  • Nothing distinguishes memories from ordinary moments, only later do they make themselves known, from their scars. – Chris Marker

    Nothing distinguishes memories from ordinary moments, only later do they make themselves known, from their scars.– Chris Marker

  • The written word is what distinguishes us from all other animal life forms on this earth. – Mommy Moo Moo

    The written word is what distinguishes us from all other animal life forms on this earth.– Mommy Moo Moo

  • Part of the human makeup which distinguishes man from other creatures is his ability to reason and make moral decisions. Man is a free moral agent. – Billy Graham

    Part of the human makeup which distinguishes man from other creatures is his ability to reason and make moral decisions. Man is a free moral agent.– Billy Graham

  • We are all equal. The unlike of choices is what distinguishes us from each other. – Amen Muffler

    We are all equal. The unlike of choices is what distinguishes us from each other.– Amen Muffler

  • …what distinguishes pulp fiction from great literature is how emphatically the work challenges us to interpret it. – Bruce Meyer

    …what distinguishes pulp fiction from great literature is how emphatically the work challenges us to interpret it.– Bruce Meyer