Top Division Quotes

  • If we were really to see one another as brothers and sisters, there would be no basis for division, cheating and exploitation among us. – AuliqIce

    If we were really to see one another as brothers and sisters, there would be no basis for division, cheating and exploitation among us.– AuliqIce

  • Empathy is a breaking down of the false constructs of division between the observer and the observed. – Chris Matakas

    Empathy is a breaking down of the false constructs of division between the observer and the observed.– Chris Matakas

  • Matter is but the artificial division of energy. – Adriano Bulla

    Matter is but the artificial division of energy.– Adriano Bulla

  • Complexity is not an aesthetic criterion. It is a quality associated only with division and organization of labor. – Christopher Caudwell

    Complexity is not an aesthetic criterion. It is a quality associated only with division and organization of labor.– Christopher Caudwell

  • We will never realize the vision in division – Saji Ijiyemi

    We will never realize the vision in division– Saji Ijiyemi

  • If political authority is not limited, the division of powers, ordinarily the guarantee of freedom, becomes a danger and a scourge. – Benjamin Constant

    If political authority is not limited, the division of powers, ordinarily the guarantee of freedom, becomes a danger and a scourge.– Benjamin Constant

  • No sooner is there a good thing in the world, than a division is necessary. – Charles Haddon Spurgeon

    No sooner is there a good thing in the world, than a division is necessary.– Charles Haddon Spurgeon

  • Why do people fear hell so much? With so much hatred and division amongst mankind, we are already in it. – Suzy Kassem

    Why do people fear hell so much? With so much hatred and division amongst mankind, we are already in it.– Suzy Kassem

  • Division isn’t just a math’s problem.It’s also humanities! – Anthony T Hincks

    Division isn’t just a math’s problem.It’s also humanities!– Anthony T Hincks

  • Maybe that is the one real division between men: wood men and desert men. – Kurban Said

    Maybe that is the one real division between men: wood men and desert men.– Kurban Said