Top Downhill Quotes

  • Climax: It’s all downhill from here. – Buffy Andrews

    Climax: It’s all downhill from here.– Buffy Andrews

  • It is a mistake to regard age as a downhill grade toward dissolution. Thereverse is true. As one grows older, one climbs with surprising strides. – George Sand

    It is a mistake to regard age as a downhill grade toward dissolution. Thereverse is true. As one grows older, one climbs with surprising strides.– George Sand

  • He’d always known that shit rolled downhill, but he never knew tears did the same thing. – Amy Lane

    He’d always known that shit rolled downhill, but he never knew tears did the same thing.– Amy Lane

  • But one way or another competing and weeding takes place . . . or a race goes downhill. – Robert A Heinlein

    But one way or another competing and weeding takes place . . . or a race goes downhill.– Robert A Heinlein

  • The more importance we place on avoiding unpleasant feelings in life, the more our life tends to go downhill. – Russ Harris

    The more importance we place on avoiding unpleasant feelings in life, the more our life tends to go downhill.– Russ Harris

  • Shit rolls downhill. Bureaucracy rolls faster. – David Wellington

    Shit rolls downhill. Bureaucracy rolls faster.– David Wellington

  • Grace runs downhill and now all his time is being redeemed. – Geoffrey Wood

    Grace runs downhill and now all his time is being redeemed.– Geoffrey Wood

  • Love is an uphill climb, but once you know yourself and like yourself just as you are, it’s all downhill from there. – Valerie Frankel

    Love is an uphill climb, but once you know yourself and like yourself just as you are, it’s all downhill from there.– Valerie Frankel

  • Does light go faster when it goes downhill? – Anthony T Hincks

    Does light go faster when it goes downhill?– Anthony T Hincks

  • A society that gets rid of all its troublemakers goes downhill. – Robert A Heinlein

    A society that gets rid of all its troublemakers goes downhill.– Robert A Heinlein