Top Drama Quotes

  • No room in my world for drama, and the last thing I needed was more death. This beautiful woman would bring me both. – Lisa Kessler

    No room in my world for drama, and the last thing I needed was more death. This beautiful woman would bring me both.– Lisa Kessler

  • I’ve been wearing my super gown because someone won’t let me go get maternity clothes because they are being a paranoid, drama bear – Alanea Alder

    I’ve been wearing my super gown because someone won’t let me go get maternity clothes because they are being a paranoid, drama bear– Alanea Alder

  • How beautiful would history have been if it could be written beforehand and then acted out like drama! – Aihebholooria Okonoboh

    How beautiful would history have been if it could be written beforehand and then acted out like drama!– Aihebholooria Okonoboh

  • If you want drama, settle for the one who will change your relationship status. If you want love, wait for the one who will change your life. – Steve Maraboli

    If you want drama, settle for the one who will change your relationship status. If you want love, wait for the one who will change your life.– Steve Maraboli

  • Only in drama does it end with the tragedy; in life it grinds on. Moanday, tearsday, happy days, right through to Shatterdays. And Again. – Gayla Reid

    Only in drama does it end with the tragedy; in life it grinds on. Moanday, tearsday, happy days, right through to Shatterdays. And Again.– Gayla Reid

  • Taking on too much of other people’s drama is just a poor excuse for not taking ownership and control over your own life. – Jos N Harris

    Taking on too much of other people’s drama is just a poor excuse for not taking ownership and control over your own life.– Jos N Harris

  • The trade of critic, in literature, music, and the drama, is the most degraded of all trades. – Mark Twain

    The trade of critic, in literature, music, and the drama, is the most degraded of all trades.– Mark Twain

  • When you surround yourself with dramatic people, your life will be driven by drama instead of destiny. – Gift Gugu Mona

    When you surround yourself with dramatic people, your life will be driven by drama instead of destiny.– Gift Gugu Mona

  • We are living out the drama of a pathetic story whose pages are smeared with our own handwriting. – Craig D Lounsbrough

    We are living out the drama of a pathetic story whose pages are smeared with our own handwriting.– Craig D Lounsbrough

  • The world is a drama, staged in a dream – Guru Nanak

    The world is a drama, staged in a dream– Guru Nanak