Top Driver Quotes

  • Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver. – Ayn Rand

    Money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver.– Ayn Rand

  • A prayerless Christian is like a bus driver trying alone to push his bus out of a rut because he doesn’t know Clark Kent is on board. – John Piper

    A prayerless Christian is like a bus driver trying alone to push his bus out of a rut because he doesn’t know Clark Kent is on board.– John Piper

  • You are the driver steering your own dreams. Choose to knock down whatever crosses your way. – Israelmore Ayivor

    You are the driver steering your own dreams. Choose to knock down whatever crosses your way.– Israelmore Ayivor

  • To better handle grief, become the passenger, not the driver. – Todd Stocker

    To better handle grief, become the passenger, not the driver.– Todd Stocker

  • If love is like driving a car, then I must be the worst driver in the world. I missed all the signs and ended up lost. – Brian MacLearn

    If love is like driving a car, then I must be the worst driver in the world. I missed all the signs and ended up lost.– Brian MacLearn

  • Belief is the driver that gives energy and power to achieve your potential. – Steven Redhead

    Belief is the driver that gives energy and power to achieve your potential.– Steven Redhead

  • No, Ben. What I’m asking is: Are you the vehicle, and Georgie rides around in you? That is why Ben’s the driver, right? – Jonathan Harnisch

    No, Ben. What I’m asking is: Are you the vehicle, and Georgie rides around in you? That is why Ben’s the driver, right?– Jonathan Harnisch

  • Never try to be the passenger of life. Be the driver and enjoy the ride. – Debasish Mridha

    Never try to be the passenger of life. Be the driver and enjoy the ride.– Debasish Mridha

  • Then Brezhnev grabbed the wheel of power and captained the country with the exploratory heart of a municipal bus driver. – Anthony Marra

    Then Brezhnev grabbed the wheel of power and captained the country with the exploratory heart of a municipal bus driver.– Anthony Marra

  • Human soul is a car and human body is a driver. One cannot run without the other. – Santosh Kalwar

    Human soul is a car and human body is a driver. One cannot run without the other.– Santosh Kalwar