Top Extend Quotes

  • The Board needs to extend its insight and innovation lens via cognitive difference. – Pearl Zhu

    The Board needs to extend its insight and innovation lens via cognitive difference.– Pearl Zhu

  • The love we extend to one another at Christmas, should blossom all year. – Lailah Gifty Akita

    The love we extend to one another at Christmas, should blossom all year.– Lailah Gifty Akita

  • In this current generation, the church is not prospering in its mandate to extend kingdom principles throughout culture – Sunday Adelaja

    In this current generation, the church is not prospering in its mandate to extend kingdom principles throughout culture– Sunday Adelaja

  • Don’t let the time convince you to quit, instead, convince the time to extend with patience. – Nathaniel E Quimada

    Don’t let the time convince you to quit, instead, convince the time to extend with patience.– Nathaniel E Quimada

  • Writers get to construct a magical world that readers can visit in thought and extend their stay with imagination. – Sandra Alex

    Writers get to construct a magical world that readers can visit in thought and extend their stay with imagination.– Sandra Alex

  • Having a pleasant time can extend a long period of time to have a fun time. – Travis Polso

    Having a pleasant time can extend a long period of time to have a fun time.– Travis Polso

  • Eating is more than a fix, it’s nature’s way to nourish cells — it’s a way to extend life. Don’t give a natural body unnatural food. – Nancy S Mure

    Eating is more than a fix, it’s nature’s way to nourish cells — it’s a way to extend life. Don’t give a natural body unnatural food.– Nancy S Mure

  • The measure of man’s ability to extend the sphere of social possibility can only start with the values of democracy. – Auliq Ice

    The measure of man’s ability to extend the sphere of social possibility can only start with the values of democracy.– Auliq Ice

  • God endlessly fails to extend his blessings. That is because he no longer sits on the throne. – Lionel Suggs

    God endlessly fails to extend his blessings. That is because he no longer sits on the throne.– Lionel Suggs

  • Extend your loving and kind hands towards others. In return you will find that the whole universe will be kind to you. – Debasish Mridha

    Extend your loving and kind hands towards others. In return you will find that the whole universe will be kind to you.– Debasish Mridha