Top Faade Quotes

  • We spend so much time creating a façade of what we want to project to the world, we almost forget what we ourselves are truly about in the process. – Jason R Thrift

    We spend so much time creating a fa̤ade of what we want to project to the world, we almost forget what we ourselves are truly about in the process.РJason R Thrift

  • Like Cheyenne Mountain, today’s fast good conceals remarkable technological advances behind an ordinary-looking façade. – Eric Schlosser

    Like Cheyenne Mountain, today’s fast good conceals remarkable technological advances behind an ordinary-looking façade.– Eric Schlosser

  • It was like a mask had been pulled away from his face, uncovering a monster hidden beneath his friendly façade. – Danika Stone

    It was like a mask had been pulled away from his face, uncovering a monster hidden beneath his friendly fa̤ade.РDanika Stone

  • People often believed they were safer in the light, thinking monsters only came out at night. But safety -“ like light -“ is a façade. – CJ Roberts

    People often believed they were safer in the light, thinking monsters only came out at night. But safety -“ like light -“ is a façade.– CJ Roberts