Top Fades Quotes
How mighty you are as death comes upon you and your color fades. Yet from life and lush to bold array, screaming into the night.– Kellie Elmore
Beauty fades, but knowledge is eternal– Andrew Fairchild
Prettiness fades after a few years, but elegance only increases with age.– Anne Gracie
Ideas can come from anywhere and at any time. The problem with making mental notes is that the ink fades very rapidly.– Rolf Smith
Life  doesn’t  happen  suddenly.  It fades  in.– M
Lust fades after climax, love lasts until breakfast!– Tom Conrad
The magic fades too fastthe scent of summer never lasts the nights turn hollow and vast but nothing remains…nothing lasts.– Sanober Khan
He’s going to bite me!Instantly the last light in the room fades out as if announcing the reign of darkness.– Poppet
One always has to wait until the sugar melts, the memory dies, the wound scars over, the sun sets, the unhappiness lifts and fades away.– Simone de Beauvoir
I saw her disappear from my life like a star that fades into obscurity behind a veil of clouds.– Trevor Driggers