Top Fascinating Quotes

  • A dead body is much more fascinating than a live one, and I have learned that most corpses tell better stories. – Alan Bradley

    A dead body is much more fascinating than a live one, and I have learned that most corpses tell better stories.– Alan Bradley

  • The world is endlessly fascinating to those who take the time to look. – Marty Rubin

    The world is endlessly fascinating to those who take the time to look.– Marty Rubin

  • Dr. Neal Roese makes a fascinating distinction between two types of regret: regrets of action and regrets of inaction. – Mark Batterson

    Dr. Neal Roese makes a fascinating distinction between two types of regret: regrets of action and regrets of inaction.– Mark Batterson

  • There are fascinating possibilities in this situation. I’d get it down on paper if I were you. – Joe Orton

    There are fascinating possibilities in this situation. I’d get it down on paper if I were you.– Joe Orton

  • Regretfully, he remained an alluring mystery, with fascinating lines and details she could not help but seek to examine further and memorize. – Lily Blackwood

    Regretfully, he remained an alluring mystery, with fascinating lines and details she could not help but seek to examine further and memorize.– Lily Blackwood

  • Most love stories are nocturnal. That’s what makes them so fascinating. – Raymond Federman

    Most love stories are nocturnal. That’s what makes them so fascinating.– Raymond Federman

  • You do know, I hope, that no man under the age of forty can even approach fascinating. – Tasha Alexander

    You do know, I hope, that no man under the age of forty can even approach fascinating.– Tasha Alexander

  • The world is vast, beautiful, and fascinating-¦ even awe-inspiring, but impersonal. It demands nothing of me, and allows me to demand nothing of it. – Herbert Simon

    The world is vast, beautiful, and fascinating-¦ even awe-inspiring, but impersonal. It demands nothing of me, and allows me to demand nothing of it.– Herbert Simon

  • What job a fascinating view does, apart from fascinating you? It does this: It perfectly motivates you to love existence much more than you can love! – Mehmet Murat ildan

    What job a fascinating view does, apart from fascinating you? It does this: It perfectly motivates you to love existence much more than you can love!– Mehmet Murat ildan

  • He found her utterly fascinating, a nameless, homeless, naked vampire, sleeping away the day in his bed, wanted by state and federal police. – Travis Luedke

    He found her utterly fascinating, a nameless, homeless, naked vampire, sleeping away the day in his bed, wanted by state and federal police.– Travis Luedke