Top Feeling Quotes
Not feeling is no replacement for reality. Your problems today are still your problems tomorrow– Larry Michael Dredla
I looked at all the people, feeling sorry for them. They were still subordinate to clock and calendar. Absolved of that, I stood becalmed.– Richard Matheson
I looked at all the people, feeling sorry for them. They were still subordinate to clock and calendar. Absolved of that, I stood becalmed.– Richard Matheson
Only afterward did the guilt set in–the guilt that for a few minutes he let himself stop feeling guilty.– Tiffany Reisz
You’re making yourself too important. Guilt comes from feeling we’re at the center of the universe. We’re not.– Gloria Whelan
Guilt is a useless feeling. It’s never enough to make you change direction–only enough to make you useless.– Daniel Nayeri
Seeing and feeling your intentions are the precursors of living them in the world of magnetic attraction.– Amy Leigh Mercree
I have a habitual feeling of my real life having past, and that I am now leading a posthumous existence.– John Keats
I cannot pretend I am without fear. But my predominant feeling is one of gratitude.– Oliver Sacks