Top Fell Quotes

  • How ironic, she thought, as she fell to her certain death, that at that moment she would have given anything to be a giant goose again. – Michael Buckley

    How ironic, she thought, as she fell to her certain death, that at that moment she would have given anything to be a giant goose again.– Michael Buckley

  • Remember, we who fell like stars from Heaven still shine bright in our own court. – Philip   Dodd

    Remember, we who fell like stars from Heaven still shine bright in our own court.– Philip Dodd

  • Angels are bright still, though the brightest fell. – William Shakespeare

    Angels are bright still, though the brightest fell.– William Shakespeare

  • Assisted him? Dylan made the repairs. I only fell and hit my head, from what I can recall. Yes, I make excellent deadweight. – Scott Westerfeld

    Assisted him? Dylan made the repairs. I only fell and hit my head, from what I can recall. Yes, I make excellent deadweight.– Scott Westerfeld

  • The evening that Al and I met became the night that we met. By the time we fell asleep at daybreak we were different people – Ruth Ahmed

    The evening that Al and I met became the night that we met. By the time we fell asleep at daybreak we were different people– Ruth Ahmed

  • My cousin fell in love with a dom, so I checked into it to see if I needed to kill him before they got married. – Cherise Sinclair

    My cousin fell in love with a dom, so I checked into it to see if I needed to kill him before they got married.– Cherise Sinclair

  • Her ????y just fell on your ????? – Whitney G

    Her ????y just fell on your ?????– Whitney G

  • I charge thee, fling away ambition. By that sin fell the angels. – William Shakespeare

    I charge thee, fling away ambition. By that sin fell the angels.– William Shakespeare

  • The only death I fear is the one I fell when we’re apart. – Sandra Jones

    The only death I fear is the one I fell when we’re apart.– Sandra Jones

  • My anger was on a rise, when suddenly her eyelids fell. Her lips flexed and again relaxed to shower me with a smile that calmed me down in seconds. – Nikhil Bhardwaj

    My anger was on a rise, when suddenly her eyelids fell. Her lips flexed and again relaxed to shower me with a smile that calmed me down in seconds.– Nikhil Bhardwaj