Top Fences Quotes

  • … With a slight miscalculated leap cleared to the iron picket fence. Put the fear of God into me, picket fences and balls don’t mix. – JP Donleavy

    … With a slight miscalculated leap cleared to the iron picket fence. Put the fear of God into me, picket fences and balls don’t mix.– JP Donleavy

  • He was free-free to choose to swing from a tree for the afternoon rather than mend fences or train horses. He was free to live. – Elizabeth Michels

    He was free-free to choose to swing from a tree for the afternoon rather than mend fences or train horses. He was free to live.– Elizabeth Michels

  • I climb fences when i got fences to climb. – John Steinbeck

    I climb fences when i got fences to climb.– John Steinbeck

  • Fences can be prisons, in a way. They’re necessary for those incapable of learning restraint, but they diminish life. – Tamera Alexander

    Fences can be prisons, in a way. They’re necessary for those incapable of learning restraint, but they diminish life.– Tamera Alexander

  • If you put fences around people, you get sheep. – William L McKnight

    If you put fences around people, you get sheep.– William L McKnight

  • Laziness builds walls and fences that keep the mind under control. – Auliq Ice

    Laziness builds walls and fences that keep the mind under control.– Auliq Ice

  • The keys of happiness and success lie beyond your fear fences. Jump over the fences NOW – Mohammed Sekouty

    The keys of happiness and success lie beyond your fear fences. Jump over the fences NOW– Mohammed Sekouty

  • Our freedom of mobility has helped keep this nation free. We are eagles, not herds of cattle. Eagles are much harder to corral with fences. – Tom   King

    Our freedom of mobility has helped keep this nation free. We are eagles, not herds of cattle. Eagles are much harder to corral with fences.– Tom King

  • Maybe there are entire worlds where there are no fences, where feeling bears you like a tide. – Jodie Picoult

    Maybe there are entire worlds where there are no fences, where feeling bears you like a tide.– Jodie Picoult

  • May the fire in your soul, burn down all the fences and walls which this society is trying to build around you. – Akshay Vasu

    May the fire in your soul, burn down all the fences and walls which this society is trying to build around you.– Akshay Vasu