Top Filing Quotes

  • I’ll never suppress my identity — that’s like filing away your fingerprints so the money can slide into your pockets easier. – Jonathan Heatt

    I’ll never suppress my identity — that’s like filing away your fingerprints so the money can slide into your pockets easier.– Jonathan Heatt

  • Familiarity has a way of filing the sharp edges off our feelings for other people. You’ll see. – Scott Lynch

    Familiarity has a way of filing the sharp edges off our feelings for other people. You’ll see.– Scott Lynch

  • You think he left a big flashing arrow pointing to a filing cabinet labeled ‘Evidence Here!’? He’s a Stray, Ethan, not Wile E. Coyote! – Rachel Vincent

    You think he left a big flashing arrow pointing to a filing cabinet labeled ‘Evidence Here!’? He’s a Stray, Ethan, not Wile E. Coyote!– Rachel Vincent