Top Frustrating Quotes

  • He’s completely complicated. And lost. And frustrating. But we do something for each other. . . . We fit. We need each other. – Megan Erickson

    He’s completely complicated. And lost. And frustrating. But we do something for each other. . . . We fit. We need each other.– Megan Erickson

  • As frustrating as the battle for purity must be, I suppose it’s easier if you’ve got company. – Kevin Roose

    As frustrating as the battle for purity must be, I suppose it’s easier if you’ve got company.– Kevin Roose

  • Childhood is trying to find his future and frustrating has become his destiny. – Tanmaya Guru

    Childhood is trying to find his future and frustrating has become his destiny.– Tanmaya Guru

  • The only thing more frustrating than slanderers is those foolish enough to listen to them. – Criss Jami

    The only thing more frustrating than slanderers is those foolish enough to listen to them.– Criss Jami

  • Every day we are challenged by events, people and situations that are extremely frustrating and anger producing. – Kwame Addai

    Every day we are challenged by events, people and situations that are extremely frustrating and anger producing.– Kwame Addai

  • It’s frustrating when you know all the answers, but nobody bothers to ask you the questions. – Jill Shalvis

    It’s frustrating when you know all the answers, but nobody bothers to ask you the questions.– Jill Shalvis

  • Still, it’s really frustrating me that there doesn’t seem to be anything in my closet that’s appropriate to wear to an exorcism. – Paige McKenzie

    Still, it’s really frustrating me that there doesn’t seem to be anything in my closet that’s appropriate to wear to an exorcism.– Paige McKenzie

  • Debbie insisted on following the rhythm of the waves. Typical duck-squeezer sex: slow, frustrating, in-tune with nature. – Neal Stephenson

    Debbie insisted on following the rhythm of the waves. Typical duck-squeezer sex: slow, frustrating, in-tune with nature.– Neal Stephenson

  • I haven’t got time for a love life and that’s usually frustrating to the would-be lovers. Care to make a run for it? – Benjamin R  Smith

    I haven’t got time for a love life and that’s usually frustrating to the would-be lovers. Care to make a run for it?– Benjamin R Smith

  • Your own family resemblances are a frustrating code, most easily read by those who know you least. – Barbara Kingsolver

    Your own family resemblances are a frustrating code, most easily read by those who know you least.– Barbara Kingsolver