Top Gay Quotes
Macho and manly and stern and, oh man. Sam sighed. Guys like this were never gay. They were always the ones chasing the homos.– Anne Tenino
A werewolf bite turned me gay?– Tielle St Clare
Sorry to disappoint you, parents – but when your kids come out as gay, bi or transgender, it is not about you.– Christina Engela
It’s not easy for a young gay fabulous boy in Japan, I should know, that’s why I became a woman.- Momma Nakama– Rochelle H Ragnarok
Gay male and lesbian culture is obsessed with purity of identity as the only basis for figuring out who you can trust or dance with. -Pat Califia– Carol Queen
I started to be really proud of the fact I was gay even though I wasn’t– Kurt Cobain
The gay revolution began as a literary revolution.– Christopher Bram
Let me tell you about gays in the military. I don’t want any gay people hanging around me while I’m killing kids. I just don’t want to see it.– Bill Hicks
He’s a he. I mean he’s a guy. He’s your mate. Oh my God you’re gay!- Aleks exclaimed. Liam slapped himself on the forehead.– Alanea Alder