Top Greedy Quotes

  • It’s quite enough to have a secret. Anything more would be greedy. – Patrick Rothfuss

    It’s quite enough to have a secret. Anything more would be greedy.– Patrick Rothfuss

  • Tyler was just like any other girl now. She was manipulative and greedy. She was a witch in ????ing sexy high heels. – Jaimie Roberts

    Tyler was just like any other girl now. She was manipulative and greedy. She was a witch in ????ing sexy high heels.– Jaimie Roberts

  • Money doesn’t change men, it merely unmasks them. If a man is naturally selfish or arrogant or greedy, the money brings that out, that’s all. – Henry Ford

    Money doesn’t change men, it merely unmasks them. If a man is naturally selfish or arrogant or greedy, the money brings that out, that’s all.– Henry Ford

  • Don’t rush your legs to feed your greed. They will rush to judge you as the greedy one. – Auliq Ice

    Don’t rush your legs to feed your greed. They will rush to judge you as the greedy one.– Auliq Ice

  • We were too greedy, grasping for immortality too soon. Perhaps if we had only been patient, content to wait, we would all have forever in the end. – Jessica Khoury

    We were too greedy, grasping for immortality too soon. Perhaps if we had only been patient, content to wait, we would all have forever in the end.– Jessica Khoury

  • Not to be greedy is, paradoxically, the highest form of looking after one’s true interests. – Idries Shah

    Not to be greedy is, paradoxically, the highest form of looking after one’s true interests.– Idries Shah

  • It is strange people should be so greedy when they are alone in the world! – Emily Bront

    It is strange people should be so greedy when they are alone in the world!– Emily Bront

  • Every human in this world is greedy. – Md Mujib Ullah

    Every human in this world is greedy.– Md Mujib Ullah

  • Nothing is more egregious than greedy politicians. – Sonia Rumzi

    Nothing is more egregious than greedy politicians.– Sonia Rumzi

  • The Bible sees greed as a form of idolatry, because a greedy person worships things instead of God. Greed and envy have their roots in selfishness. – Billy Graham

    The Bible sees greed as a form of idolatry, because a greedy person worships things instead of God. Greed and envy have their roots in selfishness.– Billy Graham