Top Handled Quotes

  • The mind plays tricks. It rejects things until it thinks -• or something tells it -• that the remembering can be handled. – Robert Ludlum

    The mind plays tricks. It rejects things until it thinks -• or something tells it -• that the remembering can be handled.– Robert Ludlum

  • Speech’ is such a thing that if handled [used] correctly, it encompasses all the major vows (mahavrats). – Dada Bhagwan

    Speech’ is such a thing that if handled [used] correctly, it encompasses all the major vows (mahavrats).– Dada Bhagwan

  • …the most sacred right of a person is to refuse o be manipulated, handled, cheated, and then kicked in the ass—. – Romain Gary

    …the most sacred right of a person is to refuse o be manipulated, handled, cheated, and then kicked in the ass—.– Romain Gary