Top Helplessness Quotes

  • It was the helplessness that scared the both of us. – Lois Lowry

    It was the helplessness that scared the both of us.– Lois Lowry

  • I wondered about her chicken-and-egg relationship with Dad. Which came first? Her helplessness or his controlling? – Justina Chen

    I wondered about her chicken-and-egg relationship with Dad. Which came first? Her helplessness or his controlling?– Justina Chen

  • Thinking can only serve to measure out the helplessness of thought. – H Rider Haggard

    Thinking can only serve to measure out the helplessness of thought.– H Rider Haggard

  • The redundancy of flesh, he thinks, the helplessness of meat, how can we conjure spirit from a bone? – Ian McGuire

    The redundancy of flesh, he thinks, the helplessness of meat, how can we conjure spirit from a bone?– Ian McGuire

  • With each stride, I realize I’m not so emotionally overwhelmed anymore. A sense of purpose and fulfillment has replaced my feelings of helplessness. – Sandra Vischer

    With each stride, I realize I’m not so emotionally overwhelmed anymore. A sense of purpose and fulfillment has replaced my feelings of helplessness.– Sandra Vischer

  • Pushing through fear is less frightening than living with the fear which comes from the feeling of helplessness. – Susan Jeffers

    Pushing through fear is less frightening than living with the fear which comes from the feeling of helplessness.– Susan Jeffers

  • In order to attain extraordinary greatness, first you need to be drowned in the deepest fathoms of helplessness, misery and heartache. – Abhijit Naskar

    In order to attain extraordinary greatness, first you need to be drowned in the deepest fathoms of helplessness, misery and heartache.– Abhijit Naskar

  • Prayer may be a placebo for the disease of helplessness, but placebos can make you feel better. – David Mitchell

    Prayer may be a placebo for the disease of helplessness, but placebos can make you feel better.– David Mitchell

  • Prayer is helplessness plus faith. – Bill Thrasher

    Prayer is helplessness plus faith.– Bill Thrasher

  • Mutual helplessness is the essential relation between parent and child. – Marty Rubin

    Mutual helplessness is the essential relation between parent and child.– Marty Rubin