Top Hex Quotes

  • Tell me something, princess, if I make a liar out of you-¦will you forgive me?- Hex James, Hex upon Me – Beth Mikell

    Tell me something, princess, if I make a liar out of you-¦will you forgive me?- Hex James, Hex upon Me– Beth Mikell

  • I took a step back, shaking my head, wishing I could place a gnarly black hex on him. My daddy taught me better than that. – Mary Buckham

    I took a step back, shaking my head, wishing I could place a gnarly black hex on him. My daddy taught me better than that.– Mary Buckham

  • Jack???, jackass on the wall, where’s the info on Hex Hall? – Rachel Hawkins

    Jack???, jackass on the wall, where’s the info on Hex Hall?– Rachel Hawkins