Top Hobbies Quotes

  • Time travelers tend, as a group, to have a lot of hobbies. – Steven Johnson

    Time travelers tend, as a group, to have a lot of hobbies.– Steven Johnson

  • As for hobbies, people with stimulating hobbies suffer from the most noxious of despairs since they are tranquilized in their despair. – Walker Percy

    As for hobbies, people with stimulating hobbies suffer from the most noxious of despairs since they are tranquilized in their despair.– Walker Percy

  • It’s better to develop hobbies and interests than to have ideas about things. – Marty Rubin

    It’s better to develop hobbies and interests than to have ideas about things.– Marty Rubin

  • Interests evolve into hobbies or volunteer work, which grow into passions. It takes time, more time than anyone imagines. – Po Bronson

    Interests evolve into hobbies or volunteer work, which grow into passions. It takes time, more time than anyone imagines.– Po Bronson

  • Everything in life is related to business-”your hobbies, friends, family, relaxation, career, education, etc. – Ehab Atalla

    Everything in life is related to business-”your hobbies, friends, family, relaxation, career, education, etc.– Ehab Atalla

  • Find three hobbies you love: one to make you money, one to keep you in shape, and one to be creative. – Anonymous

    Find three hobbies you love: one to make you money, one to keep you in shape, and one to be creative.– Anonymous

  • So, apart from casting runes, what other hobbies do you have? Forbidden rituals, human sacrifices, torturing? -“ – Simona Panova

    So, apart from casting runes, what other hobbies do you have? Forbidden rituals, human sacrifices, torturing? -“– Simona Panova

  • Hobbies are like flowers on plant. They make the plant look beautiful and feel Proud. – Sukant Ratnakar

    Hobbies are like flowers on plant. They make the plant look beautiful and feel Proud.– Sukant Ratnakar

  • Reading is the noblest of all the hobbies, that is why people mention it so frequently in their resume even if they don’t read much. – Amit Kalantri

    Reading is the noblest of all the hobbies, that is why people mention it so frequently in their resume even if they don’t read much.– Amit Kalantri

  • My hobbies are reading, writing, listening to music and dancing. – Lailah Gifty Akita

    My hobbies are reading, writing, listening to music and dancing.– Lailah Gifty Akita