Top Hollywood Quotes

  • Anything can happen in Hollywood, even good things. – JP Mac

    Anything can happen in Hollywood, even good things.– JP Mac

  • I couldn’t hack it in Hollywood, my writing’s wasn’t bad enough. – Russ Lippitt

    I couldn’t hack it in Hollywood, my writing’s wasn’t bad enough.– Russ Lippitt

  • Ashlinn was lovely to look upon, someone who could easily snub half of the highest-paid stars in Hollywood and break the hearts of the rest. – Calista Lynne

    Ashlinn was lovely to look upon, someone who could easily snub half of the highest-paid stars in Hollywood and break the hearts of the rest.– Calista Lynne

  • Welcome to Hollywood. Here you can be whatever you want! That’s the secret of American success! Fake it till you make it! – Lily Amis

    Welcome to Hollywood. Here you can be whatever you want! That’s the secret of American success! Fake it till you make it!– Lily Amis

  • It’s all a game. And if you don’t want to play, maybe you shouldn’t come to Hollywood. – Sophie Kinsella

    It’s all a game. And if you don’t want to play, maybe you shouldn’t come to Hollywood.– Sophie Kinsella

  • If people want to believe in Hollywood movies, let them believe in Hollywood movies. Being romantic is not a disease. – IoanaCristina Casapu

    If people want to believe in Hollywood movies, let them believe in Hollywood movies. Being romantic is not a disease.– IoanaCristina Casapu

  • Hollywood shines by virtue of light within. – AD Posey

    Hollywood shines by virtue of light within.– AD Posey

  • Hollywood is like Picasso’s bathroom. – Candice Bergen

    Hollywood is like Picasso’s bathroom.– Candice Bergen

  • The stars have a strong effect on our daily shopping lives. Hollywood is astrology’s only credible conspiracy. – Bauvard

    The stars have a strong effect on our daily shopping lives. Hollywood is astrology’s only credible conspiracy.– Bauvard

  • In Hollywood if you don’t have a shrink, people think you’re crazy. – Johnny Carson

    In Hollywood if you don’t have a shrink, people think you’re crazy.– Johnny Carson