Top Hunger Quotes

  • Hatred does not stir the stone men half so much as hunger. – George RR Martin

    Hatred does not stir the stone men half so much as hunger.– George RR Martin

  • The hunger inside us must be fed to be controlled. – Darren Shan

    The hunger inside us must be fed to be controlled.– Darren Shan

  • When your own life is threatened, your sense of empathy is blunted by a terrible, selfish hunger for survival. – Yann Martel

    When your own life is threatened, your sense of empathy is blunted by a terrible, selfish hunger for survival.– Yann Martel

  • Surely God loves to get out of church buildings and go visit people where they hunger for reality. – Dylan  Morrison

    Surely God loves to get out of church buildings and go visit people where they hunger for reality.– Dylan Morrison

  • The pain of hunger beneath everything. At the end of all love-making, the dreamless sleep after the ??????, which is like death. – Christopher Isherwood

    The pain of hunger beneath everything. At the end of all love-making, the dreamless sleep after the ??????, which is like death.– Christopher Isherwood

  • I’m starving to learn more about her. A new hunger that I know only she could satisfy. – AR Von

    I’m starving to learn more about her. A new hunger that I know only she could satisfy.– AR Von

  • A balanced dieT to make you die with a tea, consists of holding two bags of cookies on each hand and a voracious hunger to consume. – Ana Claudia Antunes

    A balanced dieT to make you die with a tea, consists of holding two bags of cookies on each hand and a voracious hunger to consume.– Ana Claudia Antunes

  • Towards the end of the season it is not bad to have the body. To have experienced joy as the mere lifting of hunger is not to have known it less. – Jorie Graham

    Towards the end of the season it is not bad to have the body. To have experienced joy as the mere lifting of hunger is not to have known it less.– Jorie Graham

  • You can satiate a Man’s hunger but never his greed! – Ramana Pemmaraju

    You can satiate a Man’s hunger but never his greed!– Ramana Pemmaraju

  • Tighten your grip, make me bleed, it’s a hunger I need to feed. Strip me bare, pull my hair, I don’t care just take me there. – Pepper Winters

    Tighten your grip, make me bleed, it’s a hunger I need to feed. Strip me bare, pull my hair, I don’t care just take me there.– Pepper Winters