Top Identify Quotes
Nobody is so weird others can’t identify with them.– Rebecca Miller
To confront death, in any guise, is to identify with the victim and face what is unsettling and sobering– EB White
Empathy–the ability to identify with someone else’s suffering–is certainly a prerequisite for a genuine apology.– Danielle Ofri
Identify your driving motivationand you will have all theencouragement you need.– Domonique Bertolucci
Simplicity boils down to two steps: Identify the essential. Eliminate the rest.– Leo Babauta
Identify confident people whom you admire and respect and notice what they do differently to project such confidence. Learn by observing role models.– Susan C Young
a simple question to identify your true home: where do you want to die?– Eric Weiner
Focus your intuitive thoughts to identify what is truly worth pursuing.– Steven Redhead
It was typical of the American to identify the one unfinished strand.– Davis Bunn
The great danger is to always single out some aspect of God’s good creation and identify it, rather than alien intrusion of sin, as the villain.– Timothy J Keller