Top Impacts Quotes

  • Great philosophers become immortal – they make undeniable impacts on culture. – Criss Jami

    Great philosophers become immortal – they make undeniable impacts on culture.– Criss Jami

  • The culture the leader creates impacts the feedback a leader receives. – Ron Edmondson

    The culture the leader creates impacts the feedback a leader receives.– Ron Edmondson

  • The culture the leader creates impacts the feedback a leader receives.– Ron Edmondson

  • Dignity impacts how you are perceived and received when making a first impression. – Susan C Young

    Dignity impacts how you are perceived and received when making a first impression.– Susan C Young

  • Dignity impacts the quality of your external world in your relationships, communications, and interactions. – Susan C Young

    Dignity impacts the quality of your external world in your relationships, communications, and interactions.– Susan C Young

  • Dignity impacts everything in your life. It affects the quality of your internal world for how you see, feel, and think about yourself. – Susan C Young

    Dignity impacts everything in your life. It affects the quality of your internal world for how you see, feel, and think about yourself.– Susan C Young

  • You get what you focus on. What we see ahead impacts the actions we take right now. How we live and lead is directly connected to what we see. – Michael Hyatt

    You get what you focus on. What we see ahead impacts the actions we take right now. How we live and lead is directly connected to what we see.– Michael Hyatt

  • Yes, when you are sharpened with the true information, you will be motivated to make impacts. – Israelmore Ayivor

    Yes, when you are sharpened with the true information, you will be motivated to make impacts.– Israelmore Ayivor

  • People will know you for who you are, but will remember you for what you have done. True leaders make long lasting impacts! – Israelmore Ayivor

    People will know you for who you are, but will remember you for what you have done. True leaders make long lasting impacts!– Israelmore Ayivor

  • Leaders are not worried about the respect and honour they can be given, but the impacts and influence they can give! – Israelmore Ayivor

    Leaders are not worried about the respect and honour they can be given, but the impacts and influence they can give!– Israelmore Ayivor