Top Incidents Quotes

  • My dear Keats go on, don’t despair, collect incidents, study characters, read Shakespeare and trust in Providence. – Benjamin Haydon

    My dear Keats go on, don’t despair, collect incidents, study characters, read Shakespeare and trust in Providence.– Benjamin Haydon

  • It perplexes me. How can one sad incident compensate ten happy incidents? Why? Happiness is losing. – Bhavik Sarkhedi

    It perplexes me. How can one sad incident compensate ten happy incidents? Why? Happiness is losing.– Bhavik Sarkhedi

  • Jesus changes our history from a random series of sad incidents and accidents into a constant opportunity for a change of heart. – Henri JM Nouwen

    Jesus changes our history from a random series of sad incidents and accidents into a constant opportunity for a change of heart.– Henri JM Nouwen

  • …I need to return briefly to a few incidents that have grown into anecdotes, to some approximate memories which time has deformed into certainty. – Julian Barnes

    …I need to return briefly to a few incidents that have grown into anecdotes, to some approximate memories which time has deformed into certainty.– Julian Barnes

  • *???????ution* is a euphemism for rape incidents that the victim and the economy profits from. – Mokokoma Mokhonoana

    *???????ution* is a euphemism for rape incidents that the victim and the economy profits from.– Mokokoma Mokhonoana

  • One’s course in life often pivots on small incidents. – Sidney Huntington

    One’s course in life often pivots on small incidents.– Sidney Huntington