Top Include Quotes

  • Our most potent memories include the taste and smells of foods we enjoyed as a child in part because it reminds us of who fed us a meal. – Kilroy J Oldster

    Our most potent memories include the taste and smells of foods we enjoyed as a child in part because it reminds us of who fed us a meal.– Kilroy J Oldster

  • Include and grow. Include and expand. – Osho

    Include and grow. Include and expand.– Osho

  • Celibacy is nothing if not abnormal. The human body and brain are not made for such programming. Whatever normal is, it does not include celibacy. – Darrel Ray

    Celibacy is nothing if not abnormal. The human body and brain are not made for such programming. Whatever normal is, it does not include celibacy.– Darrel Ray

  • I’d like to make a twosome with two handsome trees. Make that a threesome as I’d also include a bush in the package, to keep it low profile. – Will Advise

    I’d like to make a twosome with two handsome trees. Make that a threesome as I’d also include a bush in the package, to keep it low profile.– Will Advise

  • Calling it as you see it, should include yourself as well. – Tony Curl

    Calling it as you see it, should include yourself as well.– Tony Curl

  • If your love for another person doesn’t include loving yourself then your love is incomplete. – Shannon L Alder

    If your love for another person doesn’t include loving yourself then your love is incomplete.– Shannon L Alder

  • Sure relationships include arguments, but pain is not a side-effect of love. – Tyler Oakley

    Sure relationships include arguments, but pain is not a side-effect of love.– Tyler Oakley

  • If any morality or ethics does not include kindness as their fundamental ingredient, then they are just an absurdity. – Debasish Mridha

    If any morality or ethics does not include kindness as their fundamental ingredient, then they are just an absurdity.– Debasish Mridha

  • Before Lind’s experiments, scurvy was not clearly defined as a disease.The term was used as a catchphrase to include all manner of nautical ailments. – Stephen R Bown

    Before Lind’s experiments, scurvy was not clearly defined as a disease.The term was used as a catchphrase to include all manner of nautical ailments.– Stephen R Bown

  • How much soul can include the self-salvation of sin? – Sorin Cerin

    How much soul can include the self-salvation of sin?– Sorin Cerin