Top Innocents Quotes

  • You want a revolution, start murdering innocents. – MF Moonzajer

    You want a revolution, start murdering innocents.– MF Moonzajer

  • If the system turns away from the abuses inflicted on the guilty, then who can be next but the innocents? – Michael Connelly

    If the system turns away from the abuses inflicted on the guilty, then who can be next but the innocents?– Michael Connelly

  • Believe me, you’re going to have to do much worse than this–in the pursuit of freedom, the innocents will suffer–and at your hands. – Jasper Fforde

    Believe me, you’re going to have to do much worse than this–in the pursuit of freedom, the innocents will suffer–and at your hands.– Jasper Fforde

  • Torturing innocents, murdering civilians and destroying public property; they are all the gifts we have been given by religion. – MF Moonzajer

    Torturing innocents, murdering civilians and destroying public property; they are all the gifts we have been given by religion.– MF Moonzajer

  • O how can wicked men seem so steady and untouched with such black hearts, while poor innocents stand like malefactors before them! – Samuel Richardson

    O how can wicked men seem so steady and untouched with such black hearts, while poor innocents stand like malefactors before them!– Samuel Richardson

  • If my mom sees you here, she’ll —-œ	-œPaper the walls with my innards while the innocents watch? – Jamie Farrell

    If my mom sees you here, she’ll —-œ -œPaper the walls with my innards while the innocents watch?– Jamie Farrell