Top Insist Quotes

  • Dogs are always going to come up short if you insist on defining them as a weird kind of cat. – Peter Watts

    Dogs are always going to come up short if you insist on defining them as a weird kind of cat.– Peter Watts

  • If you insist on standing in such a state of undress, it is your shadow that will have to get out of my way. – Meg Hennessy

    If you insist on standing in such a state of undress, it is your shadow that will have to get out of my way.– Meg Hennessy

  • How could I insist on equality when I was unwilling to do what life demanded to be equal? – Charlie Courtland

    How could I insist on equality when I was unwilling to do what life demanded to be equal?– Charlie Courtland

  • There’s nothing wrong with having nothing to say–unless you insist on saying it. – Anonymous

    There’s nothing wrong with having nothing to say–unless you insist on saying it.– Anonymous

  • For it is the business of Ethics, I must insist, not only to obtain true results, but also to find valid reasons for them. – GE Moore

    For it is the business of Ethics, I must insist, not only to obtain true results, but also to find valid reasons for them.– GE Moore

  • People who insist upon dressing casually also want to think casually. And in a fallen world, thinking casually means being wrong more often than not. – Douglas Wilson

    People who insist upon dressing casually also want to think casually. And in a fallen world, thinking casually means being wrong more often than not.– Douglas Wilson

  • -“It’s not Sci-Fi, we insist, It’s SF.Every time you say that a Venusian Slime Boy dies, you know. – Hal Duncan

    -“It’s not Sci-Fi, we insist, It’s SF.Every time you say that a Venusian Slime Boy dies, you know.– Hal Duncan

  • Refuse to be content with the knowledge of God. Insist on experiencing His presence. – John Paul Warren

    Refuse to be content with the knowledge of God. Insist on experiencing His presence.– John Paul Warren

  • We’re not stupid! We’re just poor! And we have a right to insist on this distinction – Orhan Pamuk

    We’re not stupid! We’re just poor! And we have a right to insist on this distinction– Orhan Pamuk

  • Meaning is always a latecomer. Beauty and music seduce us first; later ashamed of our own sensuality, we insist on meaning. – Clive Barker

    Meaning is always a latecomer. Beauty and music seduce us first; later ashamed of our own sensuality, we insist on meaning.– Clive Barker