Top Insults Quotes

  • The door opens with a rusted jingle, and an animatronic Santa insults my moral virtue three times. Ho, ho, ho. – Kiersten White

    The door opens with a rusted jingle, and an animatronic Santa insults my moral virtue three times. Ho, ho, ho.– Kiersten White

  • The door opens with a rusted jingle, and an animatronic Santa insults my moral virtue three times. Ho, ho, ho.– Kiersten White

  • The being who patiently endures injustice, and silently bears insults, will soon become unjust, or unable to discern right from wrong. – Mary Wollstonecraft

    The being who patiently endures injustice, and silently bears insults, will soon become unjust, or unable to discern right from wrong.– Mary Wollstonecraft

  • Your hypocrisy insults my intelligence. – Toba Beta

    Your hypocrisy insults my intelligence.– Toba Beta

  • The only time you seem honest is when you’re insulting someone!--œThe only honest things I can say to you are insults. – Brandon Sanderson

    The only time you seem honest is when you’re insulting someone!--œThe only honest things I can say to you are insults.– Brandon Sanderson

  • You can never be annoyed by anyone when you are just alone, insults comes from being too familiar even with the most respectful persons. – Michael Bassey Johnson

    You can never be annoyed by anyone when you are just alone, insults comes from being too familiar even with the most respectful persons.– Michael Bassey Johnson

  • And I know what people say about not listening to insults or how you should let stuff roll off you, but it’s not that easy. – Elizabeth Scott

    And I know what people say about not listening to insults or how you should let stuff roll off you, but it’s not that easy.– Elizabeth Scott

  • Mutli-tools are like insults, girls – you should always have one on hand. – Elizabeth Little

    Mutli-tools are like insults, girls – you should always have one on hand.– Elizabeth Little

  • A wise man is superior to any insults which can be put upon him, and the best reply to unseemly behavior is patience and moderation. – Molire

    A wise man is superior to any insults which can be put upon him, and the best reply to unseemly behavior is patience and moderation.– Molire

  • When you stop doing what insults your Soul, your Journey accelerates and your Life beings to fill with joy. – Sue Fitzmaurice

    When you stop doing what insults your Soul, your Journey accelerates and your Life beings to fill with joy.– Sue Fitzmaurice